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Status: Awarded
Published Date: 07/05/2015
Closing Date: 18/05/2015
Value: £15,000
Advisory Support for Economic Impacts Guidance: Analytical Principles, Productivity and Rule of a Half - The Department for Transport (DfT) invites proposals from expert advisors to support the production of revised guidance for appraising the economic impacts of transport schemes. With respect to this particular contract the primary focus of the successful applicant will be the Group 2 work-streams: Analytical Principles, Productivity, and Rule of a Half. The consultant may also be required to provide advice on the three other work-streams: strategic narrative, investment & employment, and reporting impacts.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 07/05/2015
Closing Date: 18/05/2015
Value: £15,000
Advisory Support for Economic Impacts Guidance: Strategic Narrative, Investment and Employment, and Reporting Impacts - The Department for Transport (DfT) invites proposals from expert advisors to support the production of revised guidance for appraising the economic impacts of transport schemes. With respect to this particular contract the primary focus of the successful applicant will be the Group 1 work-streams: strategic narrative, investment and employment and reporting impacts.The consultant may also be required to provide advice on the three other work-streams: analytical principles, productivity, and rule of a half.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 06/05/2015
Closing Date: 22/05/2015
Value: £24,000
specialist public health consultancy for the development of a mental health needs assessment - The Contractor will develop a mental health needs assessment (“MHNA”) in relation to the adult population of Southend-on-Sea. The aim of the MHNA is to identify the mental health needs of the adult population resident in Southend-on-Sea, in a meaningful way, in order to inform and support commissioning of health, public health, well-being and social care services.

Status: Closed
Published Date: 05/05/2015
Closing Date: 22/07/2023
Value: £75,000
Stop & Search Project - Process Evaluation - This Expression of Interest (EoI) is for the procurement of research services. The College of Policing is looking to appoint a Supplier to work in partnership with College researchers to carry out a process evaluation to explore the implementation of new police training on stop and search, and its influence on police practice. The successful Contractor will have specialist research skills, and an excellent track record, in social observation, interviewing, and qualitative analysis.

Status: Closed
Published Date: 05/05/2015
Closing Date: 22/07/2023
Value: £35,000
Stop & Search Project - Impact Evaluation - This Expression of Interest is for the procurement of research services. The College of Policing is looking to appoint a Supplier to work in partnership with College researchers to test the impact of new national police training on stop and search. The successful Contractor will have specialist research skills, and an excellent track record, in evaluation design, survey methods, and advanced statistical analysis.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 05/05/2015
Closing Date: 22/05/2015
Value: £135,000
Soil Nutrient Analysis (RDPE) - Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. This contract is to deliver soil nutrient analysis in order to provide Natural England with soil condition information. This will enable us to determine suitability for inclusion and continuation of sites in the Environmental Stewardship (ES) and Countryside Stewardship (CS) scheme, as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or for other purposes.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 01/05/2015
Closing Date: 29/05/2015
Value: neg.
Heat demand mapping, masterplanning and heat network feasibility studies - As part of its focus on jobs related growth and using it powers and its responsibility for improving the lives of the residents of Cheshire East, the Council has begun to explore a range of renewable energy opportunities to ensure the sustainability of the borough and make Cheshire East a more attractive place for residents, businesses and investors. As part of this work and with the benefit of HNDU funding from DECC, Cheshire East would like to commission elements of heat mapping, masterplanning and district heating feasibilities study for Crewe, Macclesfield and 'Rural areas'. If you are interested in the above please express an interest, download the documentation and upload your response by 12 noon on Friday 29th May 2015.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 01/05/2015
Closing Date: 14/05/2015
Value: £40,000
Tern Verification Surveys for Marine Sites - Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. There are five species of tern which breed regularly in England, all of which are colonial ground-nesters. In order of abundance they are: Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis, common tern S. hirundo, Arctic tern S. paradisaea, little tern Sternula albifrons and roseate tern Sterna dougallii (Mitchell et al. 2004). All five species of tern are listed on Annex 1 of the EU Birds Directives requiring special protection. The objectives of this project are to: 1). Identify foraging areas for terns originating from the designated SPAs 2) Validate proposed limits to areas identified currently as potential marine SPAs 3) Identify any existing datasets associated with modelled areas and source breeding sites. 4) Produce a report summarising the results of the project.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 01/05/2015
Closing Date: 18/05/2015
Value: £40,000
Monitoring of Allis Shad and Smelt in Tamar Estuaries - Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. Background to project: Allis shad (Alosa alosa) is a designated feature of the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Cucumber smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) is a designated feature of the Tamar Estuary Sites Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) which overlaps with the SAC. Both species are poorly researched within the site and as a result Natural England wishes to commission research into their condition and distribution. Requirement: Natural England requires contractors to design and undertake surveys to meet the following three areas of interest : 1. Monitoring of Allis shad within Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC. 2. Monitoring of smelt within Tamar Estuary Sites MCZ. 3. Survey/review of seasonal distribution of smelt and Allis . shad within Plymouth Marine Protected Areas.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 01/05/2015
Closing Date: 02/02/2015
Value: £28,600
Provision of Support on Operating Chemistry Choices for the GDA of UK ABWR - BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT 1) ONR is undertaking a phased Generic Design Assessment (GDA) of the Hitachi General Electric (Hitachi-GE) UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (UK ABWR). Hitachi-GE’s submissions to ONR are similarly phased, providing increasing detail and evidence as the design is finalised and the UK regulatory requirements are better understood. 2) Step 3 of GDA of the ABWR design commenced in September 2014. A key part of GDA is for ONR inspectors responsible for assessing the ABWR design to identify areas where timely input from Technical Support Contactors (TSCs) is required to enable GDA to progress to programme, and to ultimately inform ONR’s regulatory decision on the acceptability of the ABWR design, or otherwise, for construction in the UK. ONR have identified that one such area relates to the operating chemistry choice for the primary cooling system of UK ABWR.