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Status: Awarded
Published Date: 02/02/2024
Closing Date: 29/08/2023
Value: £170,000
Development of a Digital Platform to Support Calderdale Family Hubs - As part of the Council's commitment to develop an integrated virtual offer for families, the Council is seeking a digital solution which: acts as an umbrella first point of contact, signposting local families and professionals to other resources and websites as appropriate to promote and support the health and wellbeing of children and young people; provides a virtual e-referral facility, allowing families and professionals to request additional support for children and young people and their families; provides new functionality to fill identified gaps in the current offer for example by hosting a digital information directory to support families to find out about local activities and services, creating a digital solution for our pupil health and wellbeing survey, to allow the online exchange of files, documents and photos to support the e-referral process, and by hosting an online chat and forum facility.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 16/01/2024
Closing Date: 15/12/2023
Value: £75,000
GB-Sheffield: Various (Non-Microsoft) IT Software - Contract to support the purchase of non-Microsoft software licenses that were expiring between October 2023 and January 2024. This is an interim contract to cover the period of time whilst an ongoing competitive processes is undertaken. This was awarded via a Direct Award in line with the organisation's Standing Financial Instructions.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 18/12/2023
Closing Date: 24/11/2023
Value: £27,564
Provision of AccessPay Software Renewal - This is an awarded contract for the provision of the AccessPay software renewal.

Status: Open
Published Date: 31/10/2023
Closing Date: 30/11/2023
Value: neg.
5325 Data Governance Solution Tool - The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority ("Authority") is responsible for regulating the gas and electricity industries in Great Britain. The Authority's powers are largely provided for under the Gas Act 1986, the Electricity Act 1989, the Utilities Act 2000, the Competition Act 1998, the Enterprise Act 2002, the Energy Act 2004 the Energy Act 2008, and the Energy Act 2010. The Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) supports the Authority. OFGEM's aim is to bring choice and value to all gas and electricity customers by promoting competition and regulating monopolies, and has the following principal objectives: - In relation to Gas - to protect the interests of existing and future consumers in relation to gas conveyed through pipes. - In relation to Electricity - to protect the interests of consumers in relation to electricity conveyed by distribution systems or transmission systems. Those interests of existing and future consumers are their interests taken as a whole, including: their interests in the reduction of gas-supply and electricity-supply emissions of targeted greenhouse gases; and their interests in the security of the supply of electricity and gas to them. General Information Ofgem has built a cloud-based Common Data Platform (CDP) that will underpin the introduction of effective data governance practices using state-of-the-art Microsoft Azure technologies. The CDP, in its present state is not configured to classify the data based on its sensitivity and business value and Ofgem is facing challenges in effectively managing and governing its rapidly growing data assets. This results in data quality issues, compliance risks, and inefficient data utilisation.. This PIN seeks to identify and evaluate different data governance solutions that will align with Ofgem's needs and objectives and to better understand the technology market and the different data governance solutions available. This will allow it to finalise its detailed business case and requirements and perform a procurement exercise to purchase the best solution aligned to Ofgem's need.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 28/09/2023
Closing Date: 31/08/2023
Value: £47,915
Feedback platform for health and social care - Feedback platform for health and social care

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 11/04/2023
Closing Date: 03/03/2023
Value: £40,500
1499 Staff Wellbeing Platform Local Maternity and Neonatal Transformation System - 1499 Staff Wellbeing Platform Local Maternity and Neonatal Transformation System Procured using Crown Commercial Services G Cloud-13 framework

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 02/02/2023
Closing Date: 30/06/2022
Value: £194,483
Payment Platform - Online Payment System - Payment gateway used by students. Includes the online stores for conferences and events and print shop.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 31/01/2023
Closing Date: 30/01/2023
Value: £15,000
Name of Project/Purchase: Support for secure DCMS user authentication to HE network and the Integra financial system - Support to the Okta DCMS user authentication service that enables access to HE's network and its financial management system Integra

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 31/01/2023
Closing Date: 19/12/2022
Value: £170,000
Virtual Skills Platform - BCP Council is looking for a developer to build and manage the Virtual Skills Platform (VSP) which complements the Boscombe Digital Skills Innovation and Learning Hub. The Hub will be physically located in Boscombe with an aim of enhancing the level of digital capability in the local community, from teaching those without computer skills how to use the internet, right through to supporting new innovative digital businesses. The VSP is aimed at those who would like to access training to support them in advancing or changing their careers in the digital sphere. It is anticipated that the contract shall commence on the 1st February 2023.