194 Results (0 seconds)

Status: Open
Published Date: 27/12/2023
Closing Date: 24/01/2024
Value: £70,000
IRC-REP Interpreting and Translation RFP - SERVICES DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS IRC-UK is looking for an interpreting and translation company which can meet the needs of our Refugee Employability Program. Contract Value £70,000 Primary Languages We may require interpreting and translation services for all languages, but the most common languages include Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Kurdish Sorani, Swahili, Tigrinya, Turkish, Amharic, Latin American Spanish, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Russian Interpreting Phone calls - unscheduled/on demand Video calls - scheduled Translation Infrequent translations of programme material, e.g., slides, welcome pack, referral forms, website content; outreach material, e.g., flyers; , documents for client communications, e.g., email templates. This list is not exhaustive, Additional Notes - We require on call interpreting to be readily available and responsive, ensuring prompt assistance without any delays - Ability for us to request an immediate change of interpreter as and if needed - A clear feedback policy/mechanism is desirable - On demand interpreting availability over holiday periods is desirable - Ability to provide interpreters for occasional in-person events is desirable, but not required Please quote for the below: Interpreting On-demand phone calls - cost per minute Scheduled video calls - cost per minute Translation Cost per word per language The top three bidders will be asked to have a test call with an IRC staff member and to translate a one-page document. Accessibility The International Rescue Committee is committed to engaging with SME, local, and refugee-led businesses. If you fit these categories of business but do not feel this RFP is accessible to you, please reach out to us and we can discuss potential adaptations to the process. As a program working with refugees in the South-West, we would be particularly interested in working with businesses local to the South-West and/or owned by refugees, however this is not a prerequisite for submitting a bid for this RFP. To apply, please submit a bid to supply.chainuk@rescue.org by 24.01.2024. Requests for clarification will be accepted until 12.01.2024.

Status: Open
Published Date: 15/12/2023
Closing Date: 19/02/2024
Value: neg.
Video Relay Service & Video Interpreting Services - Leicestershire Police is seeking to implement Video Relay Service (VRS) and Video Remote Interpreting Services (VRIS) to provide an accessible first contact service for people who are Deaf, deafened, deafblind or hard of hearing or use British Sign Language (BSL); or a derivative, such as Signed Supported English (SSE) or Makaton; to communicate. This group of people will be referred to as D/deaf for the remainder of this document and the service will be referred to VRS / VRIS.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 12/12/2023
Closing Date: 31/10/2023
Value: £20,000
Channel Tunnel Interpreter - Contract Award Notice for Interpreter services

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 12/12/2023
Closing Date: 30/11/2023
Value: £30,000
Charity Commission Language Services Provider - This contract is to provide the Charity Commission for England and Wales with Translation, Transcription and interpreting services when required. Interpreting services to be provided face to face (either in person, via telephone or video conferencing) when required. Translation and Transcription to be completed as soon as possible within the given timeframes.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 16/11/2023
Closing Date: 31/10/2023
Value: £25,575
DESIGN AND SUPPLY OF DIGITAL INTERPRETATION AT TEMPLE NEWSAM HOUSE - Design and Supply of Digital Interpretation at Temple Newsam House as part of the Designation Development Fund (DDF) Project 'Grief, Joy & Togetherness', funded by Arts Council England.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 14/11/2023
Closing Date: 14/06/2023
Value: £139,000
Kent and Medway - Interpretation Services - To provide KMPT a range of language service professionals (LSPs) including - foreign language translation, foreign language interpretation via telephone, face to face interpretation and translation of documents (including legal documents). KMPT requires a flexible service which is sensitive to the needs and demands of each service area.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 08/11/2023
Closing Date: 05/06/2023
Value: neg.
Provision of Translation Services - AWARD - Oxford City Council has a diverse population who speak a range of different languages. We need to provide translation services either by telephone, video or face to face to ensure we can communicate effectively with those residents.

Status: Open
Published Date: 06/11/2023
Closing Date: 04/12/2023
Value: £4,080,000
Interpretation and Translation Services for One Gloucestershire - This contract is being tendered via the SBS/21/NL/ZWV/10127 under Lot 6 using the Organisations Local Tender process. This is a mini-competition under the existing NHS SBS Translation and Interpretation framework and is only open to suppliers both awarded to that section of the framework and who expressed an interest to the associated Capability Assessment circulated to lot suppliers. This 'One Gloucestershire' multi-organisation mini-competition is a collaboration of four organisations, with a collective annual spend of approximately £850,000 to procure a high-quality translation and interpretation service which provides an excellent patient/customer experience for the diverse communities in Gloucestershire. The four organisations involved in this collaboration are: - Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHT) - Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (GHC) - NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) - Gloucestershire County Council (GCC)

Status: Open
Published Date: 01/11/2023
Closing Date: 30/11/2023
Value: neg.
Business Rates Consultancy - This procurement exercise is to identify a qualified and experienced consultancy firm to provide expert business rates consultancy support for our organisation. Our aim is to minimise our business rates liability while ensuring compliance such as with relevant regulations and accordingly as these are changed and updated. Please respond as per the instructions of the ITT document.

Status: Awarded
Published Date: 30/10/2023
Closing Date: 02/06/2023
Value: £50,000
Interpretation & Translation Services (ITS) - NECS would like to procure up a interpreting and translation service (ITS) supplier to provide services of a call-off nature. This supplier is required to assist with our product and service export aspirations and to support our long term growth strategy into 2023/24 and beyond.